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Sebby 07-Nov-2012 15:35
I was told by a friend to check this out and meet people with similar interests. I am looking forward to getting involved.
Heather 27-Nov-2011 22:58
Am new to the area and am interested in the scene.
Matthew 23-Feb-2011 20:16
Love the photos. Where was the brick tutor house with the gate and long driveway taken? Do you have a story for the house? Really like your work
Christian 09-May-2008 09:25
Hey there Bill!! Was hunting down memory lane and found you once again!! Old Septic Tank pictures...wish I still looked like that! I'm in Vegas now, and you need to visit me!! Find me at!! I work for Spamalot right now and love the desert...but miss trees. Luv ya!! Christian
PenelĪŒpe 17-Mar-2008 18:03
Hi! I need to find a Psychopsis ... We copied it long ago .. Now she disappeared somewhere ... help me find it ... please ..
thomas n penney 29-May-2006 12:06
love the work. you have an eye for this type of stuff.........
David05-Jan-2006 04:55
I can't decide if the world you inhabit is heaven or hell. Either way it looks a lot of fun. :-) Really interesting images - I found them after reading your post on the forum about censorship - don't be dissuaded from continued use of pBase for your photographs. I often wonder if those that criticise, criticise only becasue they aren't having as much fun as you are.
Amber 15-Dec-2005 03:27
i love all your pics they r the shit
Rory 03-Jun-2004 07:00
I'm sorry to hear people couldn't respect your work. I visited some time ago and really liked your images. You are appreciated.
Crystel 31-Dec-2003 14:52
Hi Bill, I came across your photo gallery in the random photos page and was impressed with your work. The content was new to me but your, various camera angles, along with great timing and focus allowed your work come to life. Nice Work.
Guest 12-Jun-2003 09:15
Thank you, and the same to you. 'Nice' pics you have made. :-)) I wich to be there.